Frequently Asked Question
To set up this signature on your email, depending on your mail client, you may follow the instructions on the links below:
- Mac Mail
- Outlook
- Gmail
- Thunderbird
These are our Signature Templates, and you can modify the details to suit your needs.
For ARDITI members:
Firstname Lastname
Your Position
ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação
Edif. Madeira Tecnopolo, Piso 2
Caminho da Penteada
9020-105 Funchal
tel. +351 291 721 220
For ITI members:
Firstname Lastname
Your Position
Interactive Technologies Institute - LARSyS
Tel (351) 291 721 000
Confidentiality Note: This email may contain confidential and private information. If you received this email in error, please delete and notify the sender.
For OOM members:
Firstname Lastname
Your Position
Observatório Oceânico da Madeira
Edifício Madeira Tecnopolo
Caminho da Penteada
9020-105 Funchal
(+351) 291 721 216
If you need any further information or assistance regarding this, please submit a ticket.